juaner's Blog



juaner posted @ Thu, 08 Sep 2011 21:57:18 +0800 in 英语 , 1738 readers


1.etc.该词来源于拉丁语,是 et cetera的简略形式,表示“等等”,可以重复,表示语意的强调。只能用于物,不能用于人。用于人时,应该使用etal.,这是拉丁语 et alii的缩写。例如:

Their feet were so big that when they walked they left a hole in the ground…etc.etc.他们的脚很大,因此他们走路时在地上留下了深坑,等等,等等。

2.and so on等等,例如:

They spent their time visiting friends,reading,watching television and so on.他们把时间放在访友、读书、看电视等等方面。

Others are interested in art,and music,and books,and so on.


3.and so forth等等,例如:

The costumes were red, pink,blue,purple, yellow and so forth.这些服装有红的、粉红的、蓝的、紫的、黄的和其他颜色。

You must write me a good long letter and tell me what you are doing and soforth.你必须要给我写封长信告诉我你在干些什么事及其他情况。

4.and so on and so forth等等,诸如此类。这个短语也表示语意的强调,例如:

He always omitted pronouns and articles and so on and so forth.他总是忽略了代词、冠词等诸如此类的词。

There were a good many regulations about bed and bath and washing and so on and so forth.关于床铺、洗浴、洗涤衣物等诸如此类的事情有许许多多的规章。

5.and all等等,以及其他,例如:

They ate the whole fish;bones,tail,head,and all.他们把整个鱼都吃了;包括骨头、尾巴、头等等。

I sent in a book order for some really good books,Uncle Tom's Cabin,leaves of Grass,The Adventures of Tome Sawyer,Sister Carrie and all.我递送了一张订书单订购一些真正的好书,如《汤姆叔叔的小屋》、《草叶集》、《汤姆·索耶历险记》、《嘉莉妹妹》等等。

6.and all that诸如此类,等等,例如:

By cereals we mean wheat,oats,rye, barley and all that.我们说谷物是指小麦、燕麦、黑麦、大麦以及诸如此类的东西。

And I must say he's good-looking young fellow-curly hair,dark eyes and all that.我必须说他是个外貌漂亮的年青人——卷曲的头发,黑黑的眼睛等等。

7.and what not诸如此类,等等,例如:

There was a great variety of food,as roast beef,fried chicken,all sorts of seafood and what not.有许多不同种类的食品,如烤牛肉、炸子鸡、各种海味等等。

We found suits,coats,hats and what not in the closet.我们在衣橱里找到了一些西服、外衣、帽子等等衣物。

and what not和and all that除了用于事物的名词之外,还可以用来代替动词。例如:

Steam propels,lowers,elevates,pumps,drains,pulls and what not.蒸气可驱动、下降、升起、抽水、排水、拖拉等等。

The boy shouted,jumped,kicked, and all that.这男孩喊呀、跳呀、踢呀,什么都来。

8.and that sort of thing如此等等,例如:

It gave her more time for reading and that sort of thing.


9.and all the rest of it以及其他等等,例如:

She is young and beautiful and modest and all the rest of it.她年轻,美丽,谦虚……样样都好。

10.and that以及其他,等等,例如:

We spent over an hour clearing up all the waste paper and that which the trippers had left behind.我们花费了一个多小时打扫干净了旅游者扔下的所有废纸和其他一些东西。

11.and the like等等之类的东西,例如:

His pocket was filled with nails,marbles,string,worms and the like.他的口袋里塞满了钉子、玻璃弹子、细绳、蚯蚓之类的东西。

12.and the rest等等,以及其他,例如:We went to the zoo and saw elephants,tigers,lions,bears and the rest.我们去动物园看到了大象、老虎、狮子、熊以及其他动物。

13. and the others以及其他,等等。既可以用于物,也可以用于人。例如:

In the roon there is Dick,Mary,John, Bill and the others.房间里有狄克、玛丽、约翰、比尔等人。

I bought sugar,tea,eggs and the others.我买了糖、茶叶、鸡蛋等东西。

14.and otherwise等等,以及其他,例如:They were sitting there talkingabout the past,the present,the future and the other things.他们坐在那里谈论着过去、现在、未来以及其他事情。



zchen said:
Thu, 08 Sep 2011 23:56:42 +0800

当表示很多东西没有太大区别的时候的"等等"可以使用whatever, 例:
"If you want to learn algebra, just pick up a good textbook, like **, **, or **, whatever. And then solve every exercise in it."

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